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Since modern men enjoy grooming their hair so much, one of their greatest fears is seeing less of it on their head when they look in a mirror. While hair loss occurs unexpectedly, it’s distressing to say the least. So gentlemen, if you are wondering what the causes of hair loss are and why it is happening to you, here’s what you need to know.
It’s in your genes
It depends on what you use
It could be your food
It’s in your genes
If you find your hair receding slowly from the crown and temples, in all likelihood it is due to male pattern baldness. This genetic condition occurs when the hair follicles are inherently sensitive to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This shortens the lifespan of the strand and is in fact, the most common causes of hair loss in men.
It might be your medication
If you’re on medication for a number of ailments, you could be unknowingly losing your hair due to them. Medical treatments for cholesterol, high blood pressure or scalp infection may list hair loss as a side effect. If this is your case, speak to your doctor for a course of medication that doesn’t affect your hair.
It depends on what you use
Your habits have a great impact on the growth and loss of your hair. Hence, if you use harsh chemical treatments and wrong products often, they could cause hair breakage and further, loss.
That’s why we suggest you choose the Indulekha Bringha Oil. As this Ayurvedic potion is enriched with Bringharaj, it reduces hairfall and promotes new growth. Its comb applicator also allows the oil to reach the scalp well for a thorough hair oiling. Next, choose the Dove Hair Fall Rescue Shampoo and Conditioner. Made with Nutrilock Actives, its formula fortifies the hair strand so that hair fall and breakage is reduced greatly for only strong hair to remain.
It could be your food
If you constantly find yourself on crash diets or eating lots of junk, it could be the cause of your hair loss since your body might not be getting the nutrients it requires. To remedy this, drink plenty of water, eat iron rich foods, lots of green leafy vegetables and dairy products.
It’s based on your hormones
If there’s an imbalance of the testosterone and estrogen in males, it can lead to DHT production which unfortunately leads to hair loss. A poorly functioning thyroid can also cause a hormonal imbalance. If you also find yourself under a lot of stress, your body may produce excess cortisol which can greatly affect the growth of your hair.


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